- When a Yellow Flag is displayed, reduce speed and line up behind the Pace Car or where you are directed to line up by Showtime Speedway.
- A Yellow Flag is used to reduce the effect of a hazard on the Track. Showtime Speedway Officials will determine how long a Yellow Flag is needed, and how many Yellow Flags are needed on a case-by-case and race-per-race-basis. Each driver can assist in shortening the length of a Caution Period by getting in line as directed by the Showtime Speedway Official’s as quickly and safely as possible. The line-up and scoring will revert to the last completed Green Flag lap before the Yellow.
- All cars involved in an in accident that requires a Yellow Flag (or Red Flag) will be restarted at the rear of the field in the order in which they were running on the last completed green flag lap.
C-1 “All Involved” means any car that makes contact with another car during an incident that results in a caution period. It does not matter which car spins or does the spinning or who was at fault. A car is considered involved if it makes contact with another car involved in bringing out the caution period. If only one car causes the caution period, that car will restart at the back of the pack.
C-2 If a car spins to avoid the incident that brought out the yellow flag and does not hit any of the other cars involved, that car may be restarted in the position they were running on the last completed green flag lap before the incident at the discretion of the Showtime Speedway officials. For instance, a car spinning into the infield to avoid contact may be reinstated at the discretion of the Competition Director.
C-3 If a car spins to miss the incident that brings out the yellow and is clearly not involved in any way in the incident that brings out the yellow, and, in the opinion of the Showtime Speedway Officials, clearly attempts to avoid the incident but makes contact with the cars that are involved anyway, that car may be reinstated at the discretion of the Showtime Speedway officials.
C-4 There may be rare occasions when it is obvious to Showtime Speedway Officials that one car purposefully and deliberately rams or “takes out” another car during competition resulting in a caution period. In those rare instances when this is true, the “victim” may be reinstated at the discretion of Showtime Speedway officials.
C-5 If the leader of the race is involved in an incident with a lapped car that brings out a yellow flag, Showtime Speedway Officials may, at their discretion, reinstate the leader if, in the judgment of Showtime Speedway Officials, the lapped car was a least partially responsible for the incident.
- Drivers may not hold up the resumption of racing by stopping on the track to dispute calls made by Showtime Speedway Officials. Drivers who delay the resumption of racing by continuing to dispute a call after being instructed to resume their position will be black-flagged and not scored for the remainder of the event
- Any Car that causes two solo caution periods in a race or is involved in three incidents in a race that causes a caution period may be black-flagged for the remainder of that event at the discretion of Showtime Speedway officials.