Points Fund – $1000 for 1st place – Must run class sticker and attend banquet to receive post season awards.

Track has the right to interpret the  Rules and if they don’t say you can’t do then don’t do it ask before interpret the rule your way

No 15” wheel designed cars permitted, 3 Link can run with additional weight penalties.  3 link will add 100 lbs, anywhere to total weight.


Car must be neat & clean in appearance. Must run factory appearing roof, front bumper cover and fender.

Body may have 3″ rake maximum from A-post at front door to rear of deck of the quarter panel.  Must be symmetrical front of door to rear of door 1 1/2″, rear of door to rear of deck 1 1/2″.  Bumpers must be inside tread width of car front and rear.  Rear bumper cover optional, if no rear cover is run must run rear filler panel from quarter panel to quarter panel  and from rear top of deck to top of bumper.  No vents or holes, must be securely attached and be perpendicular to deck. Bumper heights must be 17″ min to 19″ max from ground.

May be constructed of steel, aluminum, or fiberglass
Must have 4’’ ground clearance, body and frame included. Ground Clearance will be checked without driver in car for your ride height.  NO pulling up on the cars.  You must meet your required ride height per class.
Front windshield required, LEXAN mandatory no glass or Plexiglas
Rear window permitted
Must have 14’’ opening from door to roof
Side windows no longer than 10’’ measured at corner of door and roof post
Bumper measurement from ground to center of main bar will be MINIMUM of 16’’
Nose piece optional Rear window optional bracing on inside only
Spoilers, maximum 6’’ in height by 60’’ in with.  Must be center on car, No Bracing Period.

1 lb. per cc for engine being used 2000 engine= 2000 lbs. 2200 engine= 2200lbs. 2300 engine= 2300lbs : No penalty for overbore of engine.

55% left side weight with driver, after race (zero tolerance)
Front wheel drive cars may not have more than 58% front weight after race (ZERO TOLERANCE)
Car with stock floor pan, stock firewall, rear kick up panel with K members in stock location, stock rear end mount and stock rear suspension mounting points will be allowed a 50 LBS weight deduction.

Minimum weight for any car is 2000 lbs, max 2600 lbs.  All ballast must be even with or above frame rail that it is attached to.  Track reserves the right to add weight penalty for 1 race to allow outside cars to compete.

Car engine and weight must be on hood drivers side, including weight penalty.
In order to keep the class competitive. Weight may be added to any dominant car in increments of 50 lbs.
All ballast must be attached by two ½’’ bolt and be painted white with car number on it
No car over 2600 lbs. (FOR SAFETY REASONS)

Roll cage/Chassis
Main roll cage must be constructed with a minimum of 1 ½ round steel tubing .095 wall
Bars must be welded to frame and have a minimum of 4 door bars on driver side. Must have door bars be plated with minimum1/16 plate or thicker.
May use  stock frame rail and floor pan or construct chassis out of box tubing
Must have stock front cross member. Must use stock lower control arms and spindles
Cars with upper control arms may use tubular A arms. But must remain stock length. Must use stock lower control arms & spindles. No fabricated lower A arms.  No adjustable or rebuildable ball joints.  Press in, screw in or bolt in are ok.  Any length.
One piece sway bar (after market aloud) mounting optional diameter optional
Rear suspension must maintain stock configuration  No 3 links allowed.
(Mustang must have coil spring with 4 link trailing arms. may use tubular trailing arms
Must be stock length. mounts on rear end housing must remain in stock location.)
(Pinto must run leaf spring main leaf must be stock length. Slider with wedge bolts OK)

Springs must mount in stock location. Coil spring cars may run any coil spring that will fit into bucket.
Leaf spring cars may run after market leaf spring, number of leaf’s optional.
Strut cars may use tech approved coil-­‐over adjusters if came stock with spring on strut .


Ok to strap block.  No Titanium parts of any kind. 
Stock location (1’’ tolerance)  0 deck block ,no tolerance
Engine and body must be by same manufacturer. Year engine interchangeable
Will be measured from the centerline of the rear end to the back of the engine block ,Mustangs 89.5 inches , Pinto 88.5 inches .If engine is set back further , 25 lbs will be added in front of flywheel per inch of setback.
4412 Holley or smaller carburetor allowed must pass tech gauges
Spacer/ adapter maximum 1.65’’ including gaskets

Stock OEM intake as originally produced by manufacturer

Effective 2023- No Ford Taunus intake manifolds

NO porting polishing or cleanup of any kind. Modification allowed where no adapter
Is available to mount 4412 Holley (you cannot take advantage of this rule to improve
Airflow. And needs to be tech approved)


Your choice, must run muffler.  Must exit away or behind drivers compartment.


NO “M13” head allowed 

Strapping towers ok.  No acid porting allowed. Valve seat must maintain line under seat.  No clean up of any kind below .500 of seat-PERIOD.

Stock head for the type of engine used. ( ie 2000 block/2000 head ; 2300 block/2300 head
2.2 block/2.2 head and so on.
No porting, polishing, or cleanup of any kind. may be milled. Cylinder head boss may be cut
Down for short adjusters (2300) .may have 3 angle valve job. (No more than 75 degrees).
No pocket porting or cutting under seat. Valve spring pocket may be cut .0100” deeper or may run Long valves. (stock head diameter ,stock stem size) Stainless steel valves allowed
Only 2 valves per cylinder. NO 8 spark plug heads, 1 spark plug per cylinder.  NO fuel injected heads.
No duel over head cams.


Intake valves- Intake may be undercut .025 max to a min of .315

Exhaust valves-may be undercut .015 max to a min of .325

Any 3 ring flat top piston.(Toyota may run dome piston) max over bore .060 over stock

Stock crank for engine used. May be balanced on bottom of counterweight only . No other grinding , polishing, drilling ,or lightening of any kind allowed.  No knife edge or changing of counter weight profile allowed. No stroker cranks or offset grinds.

Any steel connecting rod permitted.

Any Cam  (No rollers) may run adjustable cam sprocket.

Fly wheel/clutch/pressure plate
Fly wheel optional (MUST BE STOCK DIAMERTER) 8 LB. MINIMUM Clutch stock diameter
clutch and pressure plate (minimum 7 ½)

Same as car (chassis) used; i.e. pinto. Mustang. So on and so on (1” tolerance)


NO adjustable struts or shocks. No gas port of any kind allowed.  Non rebuildable. No out board shocks on strut cars.
Any steel body racing shock or strut  is permitted. $150.00 retail price limited for each shock or strut
(May be claimed for $150.00) must be paid to tech official within 15 min. of completed race must finish on lead lap and in the to ten.

Steering box and components must be stock and in stock location.
(May run hiem ends on outer tie rods)


Must have all 4 BRAKES completely installed.  All 4 wheels must LOCK up at time of testing. NO EXCEPTIONS !!!
Any pedal assembly. Master cylinder or proportion valve set up.
No other aftermarket brake parts (caliper, rotors, or drums)
No drilled rotors


Stock for car used (NO custom gear sets NO 9’’ rear end. NO quick change
NO offset may be locked, NO aluminum spools or gold tracks
No camber rear ends. Cars with independent rear may not have more than ½ degree of camber.

Drive shaft
Steel or aluminum
Must have drive shaft loops, within 10 inches of u joints, also driveshaft must be painted white

Standard or (automatic with working torque converter)
Must be stock OEM and unmodified must be in good working order with reverse
And all forward gears.

No crank fired ignition allowed. No Traction Control device of any kind allowed. One 12 volt battery only
Electronic ignition permitted. MSD ignition boxes permitted
NO coil packs or crank trigger fired ignitions
Must have battery disconnect mounted in quarter window on drivers side for safety.

Fuel cell mandatory 12 gal max with foam must have check valve
9’’ minimum ground clearance and rear protection bar minimum of 1 ¼ .095 wall
2 straps minimum of 1’’ in width surrounding the entire fuel cell fuel cell must be
bolted in car no rivets no sheet metal screws pump gas or track approved racing gas only.
No additives. No alcohol.
No electric fuel pump.

Wheels 13” – 8” steel racing wheels

Track tires up to ShowTime Speedway Hoosier 13” treaded tire.

Tire Durometer rule to be determined.


The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM THE PUBLICATION OF OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended entirely as a guide for the conduct of the sport and in no way guarantee against injury or death to any participant, spectator or official. The race director or Head Tech Inspector shall be empowered to permit reasonable and appropriate deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in their opinion do not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM SUCH ALTERATIONS OR DEVIATIONS. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the officials and is final and binding. On occasion when situations arise that are not covered by written rules herein, special rulings may be put into effect by the track officials. Once such rulings are acted upon, they may become an act of policy and will be added to the existing rules of procedures.

The Management of Showtime Speedway