Showtime Speedway: Street Stock
Points Awards – 1st place – $1000- Must run sponsor sticker on car and attend Awards Banquet to receive post season awards.
- Cars.Any American made car with a minimum wheelbase of 108 from factory. Wheelbase may not be altered. 1” tolerance for adjustment. Body must be stock appearing for chassis or tech approved.
- Cars Weight.All cars will weigh a min. of 3200 lbs. Leaf spring cars 3300 lbs. Max left side with driver – coil spring 58%. Leaf spring 55%. This may change with the competition. 100 lb weight break for 4412 (must pass no-go gauges). 25 lb weight break for standard flywheel weighing 25 pounds or more. Minimum flywheel weight 15 pounds.
BALLAST MAY BE ADDED AND MUST BE PAINTED WHITE WITH CAR NUMBER ON EACH PIECE. All weights must be even with or above the bottom of the frame rails. Any lost or loose weight will result in automatic disqualification.
3.A. Must retain stock roof A and B post. Must retain stock hood and trunk may be gutted but must retain stock floor pan and firewall for car being used. Hood must seal to cowl or windshield.
3.B. No hood scoops or cowl induction. Hoods must seal to windshield. Fiberglass hoods are permitted, NO aluminum hoods. NO COWL INDUCTION OR SCOOP STYLE HOODS.
3.C. May use sheet steal 22 gauge min to skin doors, fenders & quarter panels. Must be stock in appearance.
3.D. No slab side. Door must mount to rocker. No filler panel.
3.E. All holes in driver compartment must be sealed.
3.F. May remove rear floor to just behind B post of body, and Rear firewall but must have 22 gage steel firewall sealed tight separating driver from fuel cell. May box it in behind driver.
3.G. All cars must have full clear Lexan windshield.
3.H. Body must mount in stock location on frame, no sliding or shifting. A -post mounting in correct frame hole both left and right.
3.I. Hood must have a min of 2 pins in front and 2 in back.
3.J. Trunk lid must have 2 pins and 2 hinges or four pins.
3.K. Fabricated steel stock appearing trunk lid ok. No aluminum deck lids.
3.L. May run 1” rub rail welded against body with capped ends, clean welds, no tire cutters.
- Bumpers.
May run pipe bumpers maximum of 1 ¾ OD .95 wall, square tubing or stock bumper for car must be mounted in stock location with chain rapped & welded to frame. Min bumper height 17 to max 19. Must have round corners and turn back into chassis. No open ends must be caped. Bumpers must not be no further out than 6 inches from the front frame horns. Bumpers need to be with in 1/2 of tread width.
Welds must be clean & ground, no tire cutters.
- Chassis & Suspension.
5.A. All suspension parts must be stock for the year make and model of car being used in stock location. A frame bolts may be changed for camber ADJ. May replace bushings with polyurethane. All bushings must be in good working order with no slop. No Loose bushings.
5.B. Coil spring must be a minimum of 8 inches but must fit in stock location without alteration of bucket. No spring rubbers or Gobblers allowed. NO coil bound springs or collapsed springs. All springs must be symmetrical from top to bottom.
5.C. May use adjustable bucket but must have to be removed to be adjusted.
5.D. Leaf springs, stock multi leaf only. May use lowering blocks and multi hole rear shackles for adjustment.
5.E. Sway bar must be stock for car being used. Max 1 3/8 Inch diameter. No rear sway bars. No aftermarket sway bars.
5.F. All front and rear suspension must remain stock. All suspension parts must match frame. No altering of suspension allowed. Stock passenger car spindles and hubs only. May run Coleman steel aftermarket hub and 360 degree rotor. No lightening, no holes and no slots on rotor. No lightening or grinding of any suspension part allowed. No steering quickeners allowed. Stock steering components to include but not limited to drag link and stock length tie rod ends. No interchange of unibody, midsize metric, and big metric/steering parts. Spindles, rotors, calipers and bottom A-frames must match chassis being used. Steel lower A frame bushings are allowed. The hole must be in the center of the bushings.
5.G. Shock absorbers must be mounted on the stock upper and lower mounts. No modifications allowed on shock mounts, and mounts must be in stock locations. No tie rod end, heim end or aluminum shocks allowed. One shock per wheel for a total of 4 shocks per car. No coil over shocks allowed. No spacers of any kind allowed. Shocks must be all steel body and non-adjustable. No remote or external canister type of shocks allowed. No aluminum gland nuts or shafts. ABSOLUTELY NO ALUMINUM OF ANY KIND!
6.Engine. Must be same manufacturer as car being used, mounted in stock location.
6.A. Maximum cubic inch 362. Stock stroke crankshaft for engine being used max over bore .060
7.Crankshaft. Stock production or OEM stock replacement 50lbs. min. balancing permitted by drilling holes, no grinding.
7.A. No knife edge or bullnose cranks permitted. No polishing on crankshaft.
8.Rods. Stock production rods or aftermarket stock replacement. OEM length for engine being used only.
8.A. No high performance rods. Grinding on rods for balancing only, No polishing on rods.
- Piston. Stock production or stock replacement must be same configuration as stock cast or forged GM must have 4 eyebrow flat top No fly cutting. Floating pins OK.
- Cam. Hydraulic flat tapped cam only. Maximum lift .451 at valve ALL ENGINES. Checked at push rod or cam lobe times the rocker ratio. Rocker must remain stock for engine GM 1.5, Ford 1.6, Mopar 1.5
- Heads. Stock production OEM cast Iron cylinder head for engine being used. No Vortec , No Mix Matching – GM 350 heads on 350. 305 on 305 no less than 63 CC’ on 350. Max compression ratio 10 to 1.
11.A. Ford 351 heads on 351. 302 on 302 max compression ratio 10 to 1.
11.B. Mopar 360 heads on 360. 318 on 318 max compression ratio 10 to 1
602 Crate engine must follow the Gm Performance parts Technical Manual. If it is not listed don’t do it unless you have spoken to tech and have your rule book signed and carry with you to tech. A tech bulletin will then follow for all racers to see the clarification or change.
602 is totally by the GM manual, repairs etc. no exceptions
MAY PROTEST AND $500.00 PAID TO TECH WITHIN 10 MINUTES OF RACE COMPLETION (NO EXCEPTION) Must finish on the lead lap. Tech discretion
No porting or polishing, No gasket matching, No grinding of any kind.
May have 3 angle valve job, no angle more than 70 degree. May run screw in studs, must be stock size.
Guide plates OK.
No angle plug heads.
1.94 intake, 1.50 exhaust, max valve size.
Valve spring must be stock size and symmetrical from top to bottom 1.250” diameter. Spring seat valve pressure closed 120lbs. max.
No aftermarket heads are allowed.
- Intake manifold. Stock OEM cast iron, No porting or polishing or port matching. No bowties or marine intakes.
May run Edelbrock RPM Performer GM7101, Ford 7121, Mopar 7176, Aluminum GM dual plane intake OK
- MOTOR MOUNTS MUST BE STOCK CONFIGURATION FOR CAR BEING USED. Can be bolted together, chained, steel fabricated with engine located in exact stock location. No tolerance.
- Carburetor. Built engines may run stock holley 4412 500 CFM 2bbl or Quadrajet. Crate engines may run stock holley 4412 500 CFM 2bbl, Holley 650 pt#80541-1 or Quadrajet. No modifications except as specified. May remove choke plate & shaft. May change jets and power valve. All Holley carburetors must pass go-no go gauges. No Holley XP carburetors.
15.A. May change jets & power valve.
15.B. May use any adaptor from carb to manifold Max thickness 1.625 including gaskets.
- Cooling. Electric fan OK. No Aluminum Performance water pumps, OEM replacement Aluminum O.K., belt driven by crankshaft only.
- Exhaust. Stock OEM cast iron manifold only with max of 3” exhaust pipe throughout. Must exit behind driver. Must be securely fastened under car. No X pipes, No H pipes. Headers OK. Mufflers required.
- Transmissions. Stock automatic transmission with all working gears, Must have all stock parts, No light weight parts.
18.A. Fully working torque converter min 10” diameter. No lock up converters, No power glides.
18.B.May run 3 or 4 speed manual transmission with stock clutch & flywheel (L88 flywheel ) OK. May be A Muncie or Saginaw.
18.C. Stock clutch & clutch disk no 5 or 6 speed transmissions.
18.D. Must have some kind of working shifter, NO push pull rods.
- Wheels and tires. Racing wheels 15 x 8, may run any combination of 2, 3, and 4
offset wheels are permitted.
Only Hoosier Showtime Comanche treaded tires may be run at our track.
- Rear End. Must be stock for year make & model of car being used. May be lock. No limited slip, No full spools. Moser Axles allowed.
- Brakes. Must have all 4 wheel working brakes. Stock pedal & master cylinder, may remove factory proportioning valve. No aftermarket brake bias. NO aluminum drums or parts anywhere in the system. Disc brakes are allowed as long as they are 100% completely stock parts, Must be inspected and Approved by tech.
- Ignition. 12 volt battery only, must be mounted in driver compartment behind drivers seat, but must be mounted securely & in a box with a lid. Stock OEM distributor, no high performance parts. No MSD coils or modules.
Alternators okay, Must have master cut off switch clearly marked and easily accessible.
- Fuel. Fuel cell mandatory maximum 22 gal, Must be mounted in steel can. Minimum of 22 gauge.
23.A. Must have a 1 ½ fuel cell loop protecting cell from being hit by other cars.
23.B. Fuel cell must have 10 inch ground clearance.
- Safety/ Roll cage. Roll cage must be constructed of min 1 ¾ .095 wall round steel tubing, full four post roll cage, must have a min of four (4) door bars on driver side, & three (3) on passenger side & must extend out to door skin. ALUMINUM racing seat mounted to roll cage, racing seat belts ( See Safety rules). Recommended drivers side door bars be plated with 1/16 inch steel plate (11 Gauge) or thicker.
May mount radiator directly to frame, may use round tubing to protect it.
Drive shaft loops (2) mandatory, 12 inches from each u joint, drive shaft must be painted white.
Mirrors ok.
Any deviation of rules, or cars from other tracks may be disqualified or be allowed to race with a weight penalty of 50 to 300 lbs to be located at techs discretion in the interest of fair completion. Any car may be assessed a weight penalty at any time or left side weight adjusted in the interest of fair competition.
The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM THE PUBLICATION OF OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended entirely as a guide for the conduct of the sport and in no way guarantee against injury or death to any participant, spectator or official. The race director or Head Tech Inspector shall be empowered to permit reasonable and appropriate deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in their opinion do not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM SUCH ALTERATIONS OR DEVIATIONS. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the officials and is final and binding. On occasion when situations arise that are not covered by written rules herein, special rulings may be put into effect by the track officials. Once such rulings are acted upon, they may become an act of policy and will be added to the existing rules of procedures.
The Management of Showtime Speedway